Sunday, August 14, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Titanic - A Tragic Destiny

Titanic was the largest moving object for it's time.  Titanic weighed about 50,000 tons, 11 stories tall and 4 city blocks long.

On that history show i was talking about it also showed that titannic would have had a better chance of floating if it hit the iceberg head on?

I was wathcing this show on history channel 1 day and it was called Who Sank The Titanic. The answer nobody. But Mr.Ismay the designer of titanic decided that for an unsinkable ship there was no point in taking up deck space with lifeboats. Origanally there were 48 boats and Mr.Ismay lowered it to 16 lifeboats. Another thing that had gone wrong was thtat the closest ship to titanic the californian had turned off their radio for the night and they had sent 5 iceberg warnings that day of wich they were ignored. Another problem was that the lifeboats were supposed to hold 65 people but some boats had only 12 or 22.

Real footage of the wreck from underwater.

Titanic in 5 secs

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Next summer titanic the original movie comes out in 3D!


It's so sad.